Meet Silas
When Silas was just four months old, he began to lose weight and demonstrated significant difficulties regaining the weight. After months of tests, appointments with specialists, and unsuccessful treatments, his family traveled to the Mayo clinic in Rochester, Minnesota in search of answers. After a week of a myriad of medical tests and countless consultations with the ‘best of the best’, his parents received the horrifying news: Silas, now 8 months old, had a rare and aggressive brain tumor.
The initial treatment regimen included chemotherapy once per week, followed by an MRI every 12 weeks to gauge the effectiveness of the treatment. It was anticipated that the treatment would last 12 months. The family spent six weeks living in the Ronald McDonald House before moving into an apartment and enrolling their oldest child in a local school for the fall semester. This very loving and committed family unit was determined to stay together and be with Silas. They were in it for the long haul. After Silas’ first MRI, they were devastated to learn that the tumor had increased in size by 25%, also spreading to the brain stem and spine. The doctors at Mayo immediately switched chemotherapy regimens, and scheduled another MRI at only 8 weeks due to the aggressive nature of the tumor. Given the worsening prognosis, the doctors suggested that the family return home where they would begin receiving Silas’ care at Children’s Hospital of Wisconsin.
After eight weeks on the new chemotherapy, Silas’ parents received the first bit of hopeful news in months; the growth of his tumor had slowed significantly. In turn, Silas would continue his weekly chemotherapy treatments with a follow up MRI at 12 weeks. This scan showed even better results with only “slight growth”. Silas continues to receive weekly chemotherapy along with physical, speech, and occupational therapy two days a week to help him with any possible developmental delays.
PAX is honored to officially adopt Silas as one of our cherished Warriors.